The M-TRAC Project!
Who are we?
We're a small group of people who happened to "meet" over the internet,
specifically on a message board at The Enterprise Mission web site. We have
recently been named (through a "naming competition")
The M-TRAC Project which stands for Mars - Telephoto
Reconaissance At Cydonia!
What are we trying to do?
Send a spacecraft equipped with a high-resolution camera to Mars to photograph certain
areas of interest, namely the region known as Cydonia ... but
once we're there we will photograph all the rest as well.
Why are we doing it?
As some of you may know, the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft was launched on the 7 November 1996.
NASA has said that it will take pictures of the Cydonia region, but it has not raised
this region's priority in the Mars Global Surveyor "target list". Even if MGS photographs
Cydonia, it may do so with its camera in Wide Angle mode. This would give us
pictures that are equivalent to those taken in 1976 by the Viking spacecraft!
Click on above table for the full specs.
We have not received a clear assurance by NASA or Malin Space Science Systems that Cydonia
will be photographed when the camera is in Narrow Angle mode. According to the above
specs, this "tele-photo" mode would give us a resolution of 1.4 metres per pixel (an object
the size of a car would appear to be approximately 2 pixels).
Other possible reasons why we need our own photos of the region to "back-up" those taken (if
they are taken) by NASA : the data may have been tampered with in the first place!
The "doctored" photographs of Cydonia may have already been placed onto the magnetic tape
aboard MGS or may be uploaded to MGS part way through the mission. There is no way to
know whether any photos we receive of Cydonia will be the real thing. A depressing thought.
We need you!
We are looking for volunteers who can offer their help, technical and otherwise. Building a
spacecraft may sound difficult. It probably is! But we are sure it can be done if you help us out.
Join us!
If you would like to join The M-TRAC Project fill in the following form. If you just want to be
kept updated on what we are doing and receive an e-mail newsletter every once in a while just fill
in your name and e-mail address and press the "Join" button. If you would like to volunteer for a
more active role in The M-TRAC Project fill in the rest of the form.
Thank you for submitting the form. If you would like to add anything else send an e-mail
to the addresses below.
Mailing List now available
If you would like to join The M-TRAC Project mailing list send an e-mail to :
with the following line in the body of the message :
subscribe cydonia
If you want to terminate your subscription to The M-TRAC Project mailing list send an e-mail to :
with the following line in the body of the message :
unsubscribe cydonia
Here are a few answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions
All suggestions are welcome.
Write to :
JJ Mercieca (mufor@maltanet.omnes.net)
or Mark Bitting (mb3006@epix.net)
Links to other sites of interest :
⌐ 1996 Malta UFO Research
Nulli Illigitimati Carborundum |